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In the world of performance, data is the
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Your questions answered
When you see “Not Enough Results to Compare” on a metric, it could be due to one of the following reasons:
- Your company’s revenue is either extremely high or low, leaving too few peers for a meaningful comparison.
- There aren’t enough individuals in your role within your industry and revenue range of your company.
Yes. All analytics available on Actualized are an outcome of large sets of data. Your individual data or your identity is not visible, without your consent, to anyone under any circumstance.
No. Actualized never offers you as a candidate to your current company.
No. You can negotiate your salary once you are interviewed or offered a job. Actualized presents you as a candidate if your salary expectation range matches the employer’s proposed salary. If your expectations are higher, you will not be matched. This way you will also know your market position.
It depends on the category of your membership. You will find this information on our payments page.
Yes. When you return, you will be charged a re-admission fee. During your absence you will miss out on market information and job opportunities.
It is in the interest of executives to provide accurate data. Their credibility and market reputation can get compromised if they report inaccurate data. Actualized can also remove them from the platform. In addition, we verify the consistency and integrity of data through validated cross-checks.
Actualized is not a networking platform. Connection with other leaders is only possible by a company, if a it is searching for leaders for a particular position. Individuals cannot connect with each other.
All services are part of the subscription fees. You don’t pay for individual services, including finding a job.
Yes. Please click ‘Job Preferences,’ on your page.